Friday, August 26, 2011

Amie Stanley, USUAA VP, welcomes Seawolves back to campus

Welcome back to school Seawolves! Whether this is your first year at UAA, or you're a returning student, I hope you're as ready as I am to hit the ground running.

It's hard to believe that in just a few short days these halls, almost empty all summer save for our hard-working staff and new student orientation Howl Days, will be jammed pack with people bustling from class to class. It's exciting though and I can't wait! As if to remind me it's coming, this week has been especially busy. I
Seawolf Debaters in their natural habitat.
had a brush-the-dust-off round of debate with the Seawolf Debate team that looked more like a family reunion than our typical practice, a meeting with some of our Greek Life leaders on campus to finalize recruitment plans, and the promotional items USUAA Student Government ordered came in just in time for our last summer session meeting- so make sure you stop by and say hi asap this fall!

This is my fourth year at UAA and each year truly keeps on getting better. Just when I start dreading the papers, midterms, and endless night-time cram sessions I can't help but also think of all the people I've met and can't wait to see back on campus. That's the great thing about being involved and the best thing about UAA- the relationships you build. Having been involved in everything from Student Activities as a freshmen to Greek Life and now Student Body Vice President I have met some amazing people and formed lasting friendships, discovering passions that I never thought I had.

USUAA messenger bags
So, Seawolves, back-to-school survival tip #1- Find what you love, and love to do it.

Campus Kick-Off is this Saturday and it's never too late to get involved. UAA is a diverse place with literally hundreds of clubs, departments, and organizations, many of which will be at Kick-Off, so there's room for everyone to get involved. I know USUAA is looking for a few eager students to help shape their campus... stop by our office in the Student Union, Room 201 if you need some help getting started.

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