Monday, August 29, 2011

News from the Faculty Technology Center

Lee Henrikson, instructional designer, reports that the FTC Tech Camp that ran the week of Aug. 8-12  had terrific attendance. The center offered 15 workshops and averaged about seven students a workshop for a total of 120 tech campers. Lee was pleased!

The FTC won't hold any classes during the first few weeks of school so that Lee can be readily available to support faculty as needed. Future classes will be advertised through Green & Gold. Find the schedule here:

The FTC staff also  built a new Blackboard shell loaded with resources for faculty. Any faculty member can self-enroll.  Go to the courses tab in Blackbaord, in the search bo, enter "Blackboard for faculty" When a course comes up, select the Enroll button on the right. The password to enroll is  ftc. "It's loaded with resources, and any faculty member can enroll."

As the semester launches, Lee has a few tips:
  • Don't forget to launch your Blackboard site. (The minimum requirement is a syllabus so students can access it at any time, The course evaluation survey is also available in blackbaord, so remind students to take it at the end of the class.)
  • If you're new to technology, don't try to absorb it all at once. Try 1-3 new things a semester, and take it from there.
Find the the Faculty Technology Center here:

Lee can be reached at: 786-4451 or by email at

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